por Viri Hoyos

¿Qué es el Eneagrama?

El Eneagrama es un símbolo antiguo que se ha adaptado a la Psicología moderna y que ahora se utiliza para conocer 9 tipos de personalidades diferentes, sus fortalezas, debilidades, cómo interactúan entre ellas y, sobre todo, cuál es su camino de desarrollo. 


Before you read any further, know that there is a lot of information ahead and it might feel confusing, overwhelming or even unnecessary.

Before you read any further, know that there is a lot of information ahead and it might feel confusing, overwhelming or even unnecessary.

Before you read any further, know that there is a lot of information ahead and it might feel confusing, overwhelming or even unnecessary.

Do you really need to know ALL OF THIS for the Enneagram to be useful for you?

Do you really need to know ALL OF THIS for the Enneagram to be useful for you?

Do you really need to know ALL OF THIS for the Enneagram to be useful for you?


The answer is

Most of the time, the basic descriptions are enough for anyone to find one useful next step in their growth path.

But for those looking to dive deeper into the world of the Enneagram…


Hopefully you’ll be able to find a little bit of yourself somewhere around here! And I am here to help you through it. 

¿Para qué te sirve a ti el Eneagrama?

Si alguna vez has sentido que sigues cayendo en el mismo patrón una y otra vez, el Eneagrama puede hacer mucho por ti. Esta teoría te presenta diferentes explicaciones de por qué haces lo que haces, cuál es tu motivación principal y de qué fortalezas te puedes apoyar para romper ese patrón y lograr tus metas.

"El Eneagrama no te pone en una caja. El Eneagrama te muestra en qué caja te has metido y te dice cómo salir de ella"

"El Eneagrama no te pone en una caja. El Eneagrama te muestra en qué caja te has metido y te dice cómo salir de ella"

- Ian Morgan Cron

¿Cuáles son los Eneatipos?


El Perfeccionista

El Reformador

El Iracundo

El Moralista

Also known as


El Perfeccionista

El Reformador

El Iracundo

El Moralista

Also known as


El Perfeccionista

El Reformador

El Iracundo

El Moralista

Also known as


El ayudador

El Rescatador

The Giver

El Orgulloso

Also known as


El ayudador

El Rescatador

The Giver

El Orgulloso

Also known as


El ayudador

El Rescatador

The Giver

El Orgulloso

Also known as


El Ejecutor

El Performer

El Vanidoso

El Motivador

Also known as


El Ejecutor

El Performer

El Vanidoso

El Motivador

Also known as


El Ejecutor

El Performer

El Vanidoso

El Motivador

Also known as


El Individualista

El Romántico

El Melancólico

El Envidioso

Also known as


El Individualista

El Romántico

El Melancólico

El Envidioso

Also known as


El Individualista

El Romántico

El Melancólico

El Envidioso

Also known as


El Investigador

El Observador

El Avaro

El Experto

Also known as


El Investigador

El Observador

El Avaro

El Experto

Also known as


El Investigador

El Observador

El Avaro

El Experto

Also known as


El Leal

El Escéptico

El Miedoso

El Abogado del Diablo

Also known as


El Leal

El Escéptico

El Miedoso

El Abogado del Diablo

Also known as


El Leal

El Escéptico

El Miedoso

El Abogado del Diablo

Also known as


El Optimista

El Aventurero

El Hedonista

El Goloso

Also known as


El Optimista

El Aventurero

El Hedonista

El Goloso

Also known as


El Optimista

El Aventurero

El Hedonista

El Goloso

Also known as


El Desafiador

El Jefe

El Protector

El Lujurioso

Also known as


El Desafiador

El Jefe

El Protector

El Lujurioso

Also known as


El Desafiador

El Jefe

El Protector

El Lujurioso

Also known as


El Mediador

El Pacificador

El Reconciliador

El Perezoso

Also known as


El Mediador

El Pacificador

El Reconciliador

El Perezoso

Also known as


El Mediador

El Pacificador

El Reconciliador

El Perezoso

Also known as


The triads are classifications of the personalities within the Enneagram system. Each triad divides up the numbers in three groups of three (for a total of nine). The most basic way to divide them is in three centers of intelligence (head, heart and body).

(A lot of the time, when we say “triads” we are only talking about the centers of intelligence, since this is the most basic triad and also the best known way to classify the nine personalities).

The Centers of Intelligence tell us which part of themselves the person leads with, whether head (their thinking), heart (their emotionality), or body (their gut instinct). And this classification looks like this: 

Centros de inteligencia

This way to classify the Enneatypes takes into account how each personality takes in most of their information and relate to the world around them. It divides them into 3 groups:

The Mental or Head Triad: 5, 6, 7

The Emotional or Heart Triad: 2, 3, 4

The Instinctual or Gut Triad (AKA Body Triad): 1, 8, 9

How is this useful? Well, if you are a head type and are in any type of relationship with a heart type, you will see things very differently. As a head type, you might think reason and making sense of things is more important, and might look past how your words affect others. And as a heart type, they might think connecting to you is more important than things being correct. Knowing which triad you belong to will help you understand your own way to process the world, and that of the people you most care about (or at least have to deal with). 


There are the other three triads or ways to classify the personalities that use the centers of intelligence as a base

Social Stances Triads

The social stances triads (AKA the hornevian groups): 

The aggressive or assertive triad: 3, 7 and 8

The withdrawn triad: 4, 5 and 9

The compliant triad: 1, 2 and 6

Object Relations Triads

The object relations triads (AKA the attachment groups):

The attachment triad: 3, 6 and 9

The rejection triad: 2, 5, and 8

The frustration triad: 1, 4 and 7

Grupos Harmónicos

The positive triad: 2, 7 and 9

The competency triad: 1, 3 and 5

The reactive group: 4, 6 and 8

I won’t go into detail about these here but If you’d like to learn more about the triads, you can check out my IG here! I post simplified educational content about relationships and the Enneagram there!


The wings are the numbers to the sides of each Enneatype. For example, a 3 will have a 2 and 4 wing, and a 9 will have an 8 and a 1 wing. These wings tend to influence the way each personality manifests. For example, a 4 with a 5 wing will tend to be more reserved, or they might still be interested in being unique but in a 5-ish way, for example, through knowledge in a subject they consider special. And a 4 with a 3 wing might try to express their uniqueness through the way they dress or through achievements in an area they consider very niche.

It needs to be said that not every author will agree the Wings mean the same thing. Claudio Naranjo thought each personality represented the midpoint between the two personalities at each side. For example, he thought Pride was at the middle of Rage and Vanity. 

Other authors will say wings are not really that important because each person will take on different aspects of their “wings” and you can’t really know what parts of the “wing” each person identifies with just by saying “I’m a 7 with a 6 wing”.

Really, you’re the only one who how much of yourself you see in these descriptions and the only one who can decide what you want to do with it.  


In the Enneagram symbol, the arrows represent movement. It is said nothing is eternal and we are all forever changing, and the arrows represent that change. 

Some believe these arrows represent paths of growth and stress: wherever the arrow points is where we go when we are stressed and at our worst. And the other end of the arrow represents where we go when we are growing and at our best. 

Some believe they represent two paths that we have easier access to. Wherever the arrow points is where we can go with more ease, and the other end represents where we have to try our hardest to go. 

There is another theory called the Soul Child, which says the number on the other side of the arrow that points to us is our Soul Child, who were were as children but weren’t allowed to be by our environment, and the arrow that our number goes to is where we need to go to regain the essential quality we lost along the way. 

What do I believe? I believe the approach that makes the most sense to you and your story and that helps you grow is the right approach. 

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